Monday, October 30, 2006

The President is in Town

If I can get out of my office late tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon, my wife and I are going to see the President. George W. Bush will make an appearance in Perry, Georgia. A friend gave me some tickets.

I’ve seen two U.S. Presidents in person. Believe it or not, I saw Dwight Eisenhower in Washington DC when I was a young kid. I don’t have detailed memories of that event since I was only five years old, but I remember waiting for him to come by and I remember seeing him wave as he walked by.

A few years ago I had a speaking engagement in Plains, GA. When I walked in the building that night I noticed a man with a wire coming out his ear standing at the front door. I hadn’t thought about it up until then but I wondered if he was a secret service agent. Sure enough, in a few minutes, I looked up and saw Jimmy and Roselyn Carter walking in the room.

I’ve spoken so many times I really don’t get intimidated at speaking engagements but I’ll have to admit that was pretty intimidating. I found myself wondering if I should leave some of my “unsophisticated” stories out.

I didn’t. I really don’t have any sophisticated stories.

I told them all. And I watched a former President of the United States laugh out loud. He even slapped his knee a time or two. I also saw his eyes fill up with tears when I talked about some of the truths of life.

I was impressed.

Just for the record, I am a very nonpolitical person.

I detest partisan politics. This time of year makes me almost nauseated because of all the negative campaign ads. There is negativity on the radio, on television and even recorded messages on the telephone telling you how terrible someone is.

I hate it. It all makes me not even want to vote.

There is no doubt the reason they run the negative ads is because they work. People are obviously swayed by negativity. They wouldn’t be spending the money they are spending if they did not think they work.

But do the people running these campaigns really think people are leaning forward on their sofas at night waiting on the next political advertisement to come on television?

I sure will be glad when November 7th has come and gone.

But in the meantime, I’m going to see the President tomorrow. I really don’t want to hear a political speech although I’m sure I will hear a few.

Like I said I am very non political.

But I am very proud to be an American.

And when the leader of the free world is in town, I figure it is worth my time to at least get a glimpse of him.


Anonymous said...

We vote on Nov. 7th. Unlike you, this is my favorite time of the year. Elections are like the World Series to me. I love the ads. I do sit on the edge of my chair. I am political and hope you will vote for my friends Jack Kingston or Mac Collins, which ever district you are in, and Gary Black. If you do not know who to vote for, vote Republican.

Anonymous said...

I too love this time of the year. I will be going to see the President today also, but this is my 4th time. I am excited because I'm taking my granddaughter, Reagan. I would like to also ask your readers to vote for my dear friends Mac Collins and Sonny Perdue. I also support Gary Black, Brent Brown and everyone on the Republican ticket.

Anonymous said...

Politics is the very "thing" that devides America. It's funny how we call ourselves "the UNITED states of america." Yeah right.

I'm voting for unity.

Luke Goddard said...

Daddy, looks like you've stirred up some stuff...

haha. I love it.

Anonymous said...

I think G.W. Bush is a good person and I voted for him twice. I just wish the Republicans would go back to the Ronald Reagan doctrine of less government programs. Most Democrats want to expand government programs more than we have now!
