Thursday, October 26, 2006

Valuable Thought

(Dothan, Al) Speaking of margins (read previous post), I had the opportunity to create some last night. After a rather difficult business day I got settled in my hotel room at 9PM and it dawned on me that I had not called some very good friends that live here. Since I lost my programmed cell phone numbers a few weeks ago I had to do some investigating to find their number. But I found it.

They were just leaving choir practice and asked me to meet them at a nearby Applebees Restaurant.

I’m glad I did.

Steve and Lorianne Skidmore lived in Taylor County, GA for several years. Steve was the music minister at First Baptist Church. Lorianne kept him in line (a full time job) and also taught school on the side. Their two children, Megan and Trey, were little knockers when they left Taylor County.

I’m not sure how it all happens, but Kathy and I connected with this family years ago. We spent a lot of time with them and it was sad for us when they moved back to Alabama.

But it was not sad last night.

We reminisced and laughed and reminisced and laughed some more. A few minutes after we sat down Megan (who is now 21) walked in. In just a few more minutes, Trey, who is now amazingly 17, joined us as well.

To make a long story short, we were late leaving Applebees last night.

There is a purpose is this blog this morning.

I don’t ever want to underestimate the value of true friends.

It is so easy for all of us to be so busy doing whatever we do that we don’t have time for the people that we really enjoy being around.

My wife and I work hard at trying to enjoy life and having a good time. We spend a lot of money trying to have a good time.

But there is nothing more fun than sitting down and visiting with old friends. And all it cost last night was a few cups of coffee and a couple of brownies.

Not sure when I will see them again but when I do, we will pick up right where we left off last night.

Although we live in different states, these kinds of friends will still be around when most other folks are gone.

There is something very valuable about that thought.


Anonymous said...

Hi Bruce,
Thanks for the blog on the Skidmore's. Donna & I love that family!

Luke Goddard said...

Boy, Tray sure has grown up. I wouldn't have known it was him....