Saturday, October 28, 2006

Windshield Time

What does a dad do on his day off after traveling all week dealing with the business of death?

How ‘bout spending the day with his son in a hearse on a 700 mile road trip?

Through the power of modern science, I am typing this on my laptop as we are driving down the road. I have a wireless modem so I am actually online while riding down the road.

We left early this morning and we will get home late tonight.

My middle son is employed by a local funeral home. John told me last night that he had this trip scheduled today so I decided to ride with him to keep him company.

Windshield time can be the best time of all.

Sure brings back a lot of fond memories for this dad.

I remember riding with my dad many times in a hearse. He taught me whatever I know about this business and I can tell you we spent a lot of windshield time riding down the road in a hearse.

Since I sold my funeral homes when John was 16 years old, I haven’t spent nearly as much hearse windshield time with him as my dad did with me. Maybe I can catch up a little today.

Funny thing happened before we got out of the state this morning. We passed my lifelong friend Chuck Byrd and family riding down the road.

He and his wife Melanie became grandparents this week. They and their daughter Lauren and husband Troy and brand new baby Hayes Byrd were on the way to the doctor for a checkup for Hayes.

As most people do, they glanced at the hearse that was passing them by. They were totally surprised when they saw John and me in the hearse.

We talked on the cell phone. We commented on the moment. They had their grandbaby and were taking him on his first road trip. John and I were taking a lady on her last road trip.

We talked about how time has gone by so quickly. Chuck commented it seems like just yesterday we were little kids riding around with our parents.

Our parents have now all passed away. Somewhere along the line the torch has been passed.

It’s called life. People are born. People die. Life just keeps on moving along. And in the final analysis most things we worry about don’t really matter.

Whatever I had planned on doing today is no where compared to what I am getting to do.

Fifteen hours of windshield time with my son is about as good as it gets.

Let me go. We are coming up on Montgomery.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Step aside. John is going to be the greatest; because the had a great teacher. I am so proud of John.

Lynn Whatley