Saturday, November 04, 2006

Nauseated but Focusing


What is this world coming to? A better question is what will this world be like in 25 years?

Kinda scary ain’t it?

I’m sure you’ve read about Ted Haggard by now or seen him on the news. He happens to be the senior pastor of the 14,000 member New Life Church in Colorado Springs. He also happens to be the President of the National Association of Evanglelicals which has about 30 million members.

He also happens to be accused of having a gay lover who he paid for sex. It also sounds like he may be accused of having snorted a few drugs as an appetizer.

I wonder if he took the cash out of the offering plate to pay for it. I wonder what a gay prostitute charges these days?

If you are sending a monthly check to help support Rev. Haggard and the New Life Church or the NAE, you may want to consider sending more. I have a feeling the membership is about to go downhill. They will need the extra money to pay the light bills.

I also picked up the paper this morning and read about the good doctor from Emory University in Atlanta who is jail this morning for soliciting sex with a 15 year old boy. I was happy to know he was smart and being safe because he had plenty of condoms and lubricant with him.

I like doctors who are smart.

I think I am going to throw up.

Here is a good Saturday lesson for all of us.

God is still God. He has not gone anywhere. And He is still in charge. And He is still righteous and holy.

The problem is man is not. If you have put a human being on a pedestal you may want to consider getting him or her off it.

In a hurry.

Man will always let you down. Some just let you further down than others.

My faith is not shaken this morning. These two news items have just caused me to focus on where I should be focusing.

I am nauseated but I am focusing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a great message.