Friday, December 08, 2006

Friday Night Emails

I got in from tonight after a great but hectic few days in Oklahoma City. I felt a little more tired than normal realizing I will head out again tomorrow for a speaking engagement.

It was cold when I left OKC today. I think it was just as cold in Warner Robins, GA. I was not in the best of moods as I walked in the house and landed in the chair in the den I’m sitting in now typing this.

I decided to check my email.

I read an email that confirmed the place I’m speaking tomorrow night. By the way it’s Pine Tree Country Club in Birmingham in case you want to come.

I deleted about ten emails from whoever the mystery person is who sends them asking if I want to order some Viagra. And I also deleted the emails asking if I want a penile enlargement. I think I get those every day. Have you ever wondered who in the heck sends those emails to everybody? And there were also the usual dozen from someone wanting to lend me money.

I had a bunch of the usual funny stuff I get. I laughed out loud at an email with the subject line “Peek a View” that my friend introduced by saying “way too funny.” The video that was attached starred Lou Rawls acting as a doctor about to do a colonoscopy. He is singing one of his famous love songs to the shocked male patient as he begins the procedure. The words go something like this: “You’ll never find as long as you live, someone who loves you the way I do.” He was using the colonoscopy tube as a microphone. It really was way too funny.

I read several emails responding to the last article I wrote about random acts of kindness. I also read the comments that were written on this blogsite as a result of that article. Those words made me feel like at least maybe this blog is causing people to think about the true meaning of Christmas and is causing people to be reminded of acts of kindness they have either done or experienced from others.
What great things for people to be thinking about.

I re-read an email my daughter in law forwarded to me earlier today to my blackberry that was a huge compliment to my oldest son from his boss. That one brought tears to my eyes and made me very proud.

So far I had done two of the things I wrote about a couple of days ago. I had laughed. I had cried. And now I was about to think.

I then read the email I’m about to share with you. It was sent to my email address but it was really written to my wife. I’m leaving the names out but it made me think again about the important things of life.

Hi Bruce and Kathy
I just wanted to tell you every year at this time I have a very special and joyful memory of one Christmas long ago that Kathy Goddard made a difference in mine and my son's life that touched me so deep. I have been teary eyed all day thinking about it. Kathy came up to me out of the blue that year and gave me a bunch of toys for my son. I remember he was very young at the time. I was struggling as a young single parent that year and I mean struggling too. Needless to say things were really bad financially and emotionally. I felt like giving up but I just didn't know how. I didn't have any thing for my son under the tree and I sure didn't know how I was going to get him any thing that year. We were barely able to eat. I thought it was the worst Christmas I had ever had. Kathy, I don't know how you knew but I'm still to this day VERY THANKFUL TO GOD that you gave my son a Christmas that year. Kathy I don't know if any one else sees your wings like I do. THANK YOU SO MUCH AND I LOVE YOU AND YOU TOO BRUCE!! MERRY CHRISTMAS.

I read those words to Kathy. And she cried.

We both had forgotten that Christmas. It was a very kind thing my wife did and she was glad she was able to do it. She hadn’t thought about it since the many years ago when she did it.

But it is obvious that our friend who wrote the email and who was the recipient of her act of kindness had not forgotten.

There is a lesson in that for all of us. We all have opportunities to make a difference in the lives of people we come in contact with each day of our lives.

The impact of a kind deed can last forever.

The other lesson is that Friday night emails have the ability to change the mood and attitude of the people who read them.

Y’all keep ‘em coming!

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