Thursday, December 21, 2006

Tis the Season

Jim Whatley and I grew up next door to each other. When he was in college and I was about to become a senior in high school we started dating a couple of sisters who lived on the outskirts of town. I actually started dating Kathy before Jim started dating Lynn. Jim and Lynn double dated with us on their first date. I think the year was 1971. The four of us went to see a movie called, “Willard.” It was a movie about a bunch of rats.

We have been hanging out on all the special occasions since then. Jim and Lynn were married in 1974. Kathy and I married in 1977. Thirty five years, hundreds of rounds of golf, six children, two son-in-laws, three daughters in law, two grandchildren and one on the way later, we are still hanging out.

Jim turned out to be a medical doctor. I turned out to be a blogger.

Jim and Lynn and family just left our house. We stood in the driveway waving as their slammed packed SUV full of their children, in-laws and grandbabies drove off. As one could imagine we have spent quite a few Christmases together over the years. And quite a few vacations. And quite a few Thanksgivings. And quite a few New Years Eves.

And quite a few everything.

Jim and Lynn live in Rome Georgia and people know him as a successful, distinguished medical doctor. I know him much better than that. I knew him before he became a medical doctor. In fact I even know what kind of underwear he wears.

The underwear being modeled in the photo here by Jim and me was a Christmas present given in 1972 by our future wives’ Uncle Leon. He asked us to try them on to make sure they fit. When we did he snapped a quick picture.

The next Christmas he gave us both another gift. We each got a 4’ by 8’ poster of the picture he took the year before. Kathy brought a copy of this 34 year old picture out tonight.

Just one of the great memories we have of Christmas' past.

Our hair is a little grayer now and we have put on a few pounds, but we are still the same folks hanging around again for another Christmas.

There is nothing like hanging around the people you are most familiar with during this special time of year. Tis the season for family, for giving, for laughter, for fellowship and for special memories.

Tis the season for bringing out old pictures.

And making new ones.


Anonymous said...

Wow! That picture is hilarious! I think alot of people would be surprised at that picture of Daddy! Thanks for another of many laughs!
love you,

Anonymous said...

Well, well. In all the twelve years of attending school with Jim (Jimmy to me), I can't believe that I ever saw him like that. That is an image that will not be erased from my memory for some time. Thanks for a good laugh to start my day. Merry Christmas to you, Kathy, Miss Irene and all the family. Love ya

Anonymous said...

Thank you from a little girl who you will remember with curly brown hair who loved to ride on your shoulders and sing off key to Kathy. Thank you from that not-so-little-anymore-girl with not-so- curly hair who is too big to ride on your shoulders but, unfortunately, still sings off key. Thank you because I am now a mom of four and was having a hard time finding the joy in this Christmas because of the pressure of being everything to everybody - your blog and picture brought a smile and some tears as I remembered those Christmases in the old farmhouse in the country. I continued to read many of your blogs and with that came more tears and more laughter - sometimes both at the same time. So, thank you again for a new perspective that was just in time this Christmas. My gifts may not all be perfectly wrapped and tied with pretty bows and my house may not look like the cover of Southern Living but those are not the things that are important. You reminded me that the important things are family and friends and the time we spend building relationships and making memories with those closest to us. Give all of your family a hug for me and have a wonderful Christmas.
Love - Jill

Bruce Goddard said...

Jill, I do remember the little girl with the curly brown hair who rode on my shoulders and sang off key. What you may not remember is that your dad and mom sacrificed a few Christmases at their own home to be with your dad's sister and her family at their home at a very crucial time in their lives. Lynn, Kathy, Rudy and Mia had lost their dad. Their mom had lost a husband. Your mom and dad came to the rescue. I was around even then and it was an amazing act of kindess. I surely have not forgotten what they did and I can tell you the Underwoods have not forgotten either. That picture with the leopard skin underwear was taken about six months after his death. Your dad and mom figured out a way to breathe life to a struggling family. Your comments brought tears to my eyes as I remembered those special times. Please email me a picture of them... that's a story that needs to be told. Love you, -bruce