Sunday, February 18, 2007

I Told You So

This blog today is for my youngest son Luke who is now a junior in college. This morning he was officially accepted as the Youth Pastor of Christian Hope Church. His parents were there and I have to tell you it was a humbling and emotional experience. And it was a HUGE moment in the life of our son.

I am reprinting here a letter I wrote to him about 3 years ago when he graduated from high school. I know you are not supposed to say, “I told you so.”

But I will anyway.

Luke, I told you so.

March 2004
Dear Luke,
We always wondered where life would lead you. As a child, you would walk in the local restaurant in Reynolds and walk up to each table and speak to whoever was seated there. Everybody knew you because you made yourself known. We thought we might have a future politician on our hands. Later you entertained our guests by mimicking the batting stance of each member of the Atlanta Braves. You would grab a bat and assume a stance and everybody would instantly name the player you were mimicking. And did you ever have them down pat! We were thinking then we were raising a future baseball player. Then as you got older, we noticed that when most people were just listening to a conversation, you would study the person and in a few minutes you could imitate that person in an uncanny way. Maybe we were raising an entertainer?

Then as you grew older, your heart turned to God and you became hungry for spiritual things. We watched with delight as your pursuit of God influenced others, specifically your older brothers. They saw something in you they wanted! We knew that God had gifted you with the ability to influence others.

Now as we look at this person God ordained before the foundation of the world to be put on this planet, we are amazed at what He has done. Your sense of humor, your outgoing personality, your heart for God, and your ability to influence and communicate will take you far in this life. We cannot wait to see what God will do with you. He has a plan and your are walking down the right path to discover that plan. You ability to imitate will also take you far. You keep studying Jesus Christ and His Word and continue to imitate Him. If you continue to do that, you will make a huge difference in this world.

Your mom and dad could not be more pleased but more importantly, God is pleased. Just keep walking down the path you are walking and keep your eyes on Him. God ‘s purposes and plan for your life will unfold before your eyes. You watch. You’ll see.

I love you,



Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all. I know that you and Kathy are very proud of your boys, just as I am of mine. It is rare these days to raise three boys and not have one of them stray. We have been blessed with great kids. Thank you God for the blessing.

Anonymous said...

I am sitting here on a hot summer day reading some of your old blogs. I have teared up at many of them, especially the ones about being a grandparent because I have two granddaughters now--but this one blog touched my heart so much. I have been so blessed by reading your blogs. Thanks for sharing your life. What a treasure your grandchildren and great grandchildren (and future generations)will inherit because you have put so much in writing. One thing will be very clear to them--their granddaddy was a Godly man! Cheryl Thigpen