Now don’t take that the wrong way. I’m pushing forward every day of my life with every fiber of my being. But I find a lot of value these days in remembering and appreciating special people and special moments in my past. If you have been reading this blog for anytime at all, you can’t help but notice I have spent much of this space remembering people, places and moments in my past.
I think I do that for at least two reasons: One is to put some thoughts of people and events I know about for my children and grandchildren to read one day. I figure if I don’t write down my thoughts they may be lost forever and I really don’t want that to happen. I also want my grandchildren and great grandchildren to remember their Papa when I am long gone. The second reason is I think I was taught almost everything I needed to know about living life in the first eighteen or so years of my life. I think now I have just enough experience in living that I am beginning to understand the lessons I was taught. And appreciate those lessons in much greater ways. So I am spending my “margin” time digging those lessons out of my memory to share with whoever wants to listen.

With that said, about six months ago I wrote an article here about Butler Georgia’s Taylor County Lady Vikings and their winning streak of 132 games and five straight state championships from 1967-1972. I wrote that article because my wife was a Taylor County Lady Viking and a part of those teams. When I wrote the article, I had no idea that this group would plan to come together for a reunion. This Saturday night (March 17) in Butler GA this Lady Viking reunion will take place. It will no doubt be an evening of laughter, reminiscing, and I am sure a few tears. And I am quite sure the lessons they learned during this experience which happened to be during the most formative years of their lives will be shared throughout the evening.
In fact, these female athletes of the past have a reunion blogsite up and running. You will see the life lessons sprinkled throughout their comments. And whether you live in California or Texas or Butler, Georgia, the life lessons they are sharing will apply to you.
I can tell you this. There are not many teams of any sport who can celebrate winning 132 consecutive games. It took some special folks to make that happen.
I am looking forward to spending the evening with them on Saturday night. And I invite you spend some time reading their comments at the Lady Vikings Winning Streak blog site.
You will be glad you did.
1 comment:
We look forward to seeing you and Kathy at the reunion, Bruce. Thanks for advising me on how to set up the Lady Vikings Winning Streak blog. It's been a lot of fun to blog about the years 1967-72 at Taylor County High School. Those were the days!
See you soon!
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