Saturday, November 18, 2006

You Can Sprain an Ankle Eating Here

You can sprain an ankle eating at this restaurant.

You talk about down home eatin – this is it.

I have been stopping by this place for years every chance I get when I am traveling down Interstate 75 between Atlanta and Macon. I was late eating lunch yesterday but I was determined to bypass all the fast food places at every exit as I drove through Atlanta and make it to the daddy of all restaurants.

It was worth the wait.

Buckner’s Family Restaurant is one of those restaurants where they seat you at a round table with total strangers. I love it. I’ve met all kinds of folks there over the years. Yesterday was no different.

They have a lazy susan in the middle of the table and more food than you can possibly eat. You just fill up your plate, eat what is on your plate, spin the table and eat some more. Their fried chicken makes Col. Sanders’ variety taste like the chicken in a TV dinner. Absolutely no comparison.

It’s close to being as good as Jessie Mae King’s.

Not quite but close.

Almost as good as the food is the conversation you get there. I sat at the table yesterday with four ladies from South Carolina. They work for the National Beta Club in Spartanburg and had been attending the Georgia Beta Club Convention in Macon. After spending several days with 7,000 kids at a convention they said they were ready for some down home cooking.

They were in the right place for that.

Two of the ladies were preacher’s wives and the other two were preacher’s daughters. These four ladies of the cloth were minding their own business attempting to enjoy their lunch and then all of a sudden an undertaker sat down with them.

All four of my new friends left with an autographed copy of View from a Hearse. And now they have their picture on the world wide web.

Imagine that.

This is not a paid advertisement. But if you want some great food with an opportunity to also get a taste of the spice of life, stop by Buckner’s Family Restaurant at Exit 201 on Interstate 75 between Atlanta and Macon.

You’ll definitely leave with a full stomach and if you’re lucky you just may leave with some new friends.

You also may leave with a sprained ankle.

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