Sunday, November 19, 2006

A Great Time of the Year and in LIfe

When we were having babies we didn’t even know the gender of the babies until they were born. Ultrasound technology was new then and most doctors only used it when they thought there was a problem.

The days of the doctor coming out to the waiting room after a baby is born and announcing “It’s a girl” are long gone.

Now you can go in and get four dimensional pictures of your baby posing from the womb.

You get to choose from several packages just like you did when you got your school pictures taken. You not only get pictures but you also get a DVD movie of the entire photo shoot. We did that yesterday in Atlanta.

On November 18, 2006 we got our first glimpse of Taylor Reese Goddard. She was naked as a jaybird, but it was enough to cause chill bumps to run up and down the arms and neck of this soon to be papa.

It was a family event. Tami’s parents and grandmother were also there. David and Holly (our oldest son and wife) also joined us for the special occasion.

The good Lord willing, in eleven short weeks we will not only be looking but we will be holding.

I cannot wait.

Obviously Taylor knew we were checking her out because she smiled at us several times and even stuck out her tongue at us a time or two.

We celebrated afterwards. Kathy and I took John and Tami and David and Holly out to eat and then we all went to Atlantic Station in downtown Atlanta to watch the annual lighting of the big Christmas tree. It was cold and it was snowing. The snow was coming from a machine but it was still snowing.

I am about to head to Houston for a couple of days and will get back in time for our Thanksgiving gathering. Then Christmas will be right around the corner.

I love this time of year. It is the season for family. And the shopping is about to begin and I’m sure we all will be spending more money than we should as we get ready to exchange gifts.

This really is a great time of year.

And the idea of becoming a papa is a great time in my life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I cannot wait to meet Taylor in person! I know she will be a very loved child. She is so fortunate to have the parents she is going to have. There's not many people that's more special to me than John and I know he will make a great daddy. She is also lucky with the grandparents she will have. You and aunt kathy will be the best!
See you at Christmas!