Monday, August 14, 2006

Don't Ever Look Back, My Man

Sydney Hoke Bryan IV, who happens to be my nephew, will be heading to Tennessee Temple University in Chattanooga this Friday to begin his college career and pursue a degree in Pastoral Ministry. Because he will be participating in a work – study program which will include working at a local church, he won’t get to come home too often.

Since I will be out of town this week, I shook his hand last night when he and Jamie came by the house. He got some parting words from his gray haired uncle.

“Don’t ever look back, my man.”

"Go for it!"

I have a feeling he will.

He knows what he wants to do for the rest of his life even before he leaves. How does a 19 year old young man know such things?

I think I can answer that question.

Several years ago Hoke began attending a dynamic, fast growing church in Warner Robins, GA. He got involved with the youth at Southside Baptist Church and began to meet new friends. He also had some pastors who took him under their wings and mentored him along the way.

It wasn’t long before the youth leadership began to see the potential in this young man. And as they do in most fast growing churches, they put him to work. In fact they threw him in the pool - head first so to speak.

For the past few years, Hoke has been part of the leadership of what is called The Zone at Southside. The Zone is the children’s worship hour that takes place at the same time the second adult worship service is going on. Somewhere around 150 to 200 kids are there each week.

The Zone brought out the best in Hoke. He began to find his niche. His gifts and talents have been evident to all as he connected with all these kids.

I had never been to The Zone until yesterday. And I was impressed. I can tell you I have no doubt that these kids are excited about coming to church on Sunday morning. I also have a feeling the kids won’t let their moms and dads sleep-in because they don’t want to miss what goes on at The Zone.

It is an electric atmosphere. The kids are jumping and dancing and singing and laughing. They are also learning important truths of life. Truths that will have the potential to get them through the storms of life that will come their way as they get older.

Hoke was put in a position to discover his gifts and to put them to use. The more he used the gifts, the greater the gifts became in him. And the greater the gifts, the more urgent he felt the need to use them.

The result was that Hoke sensed a purpose for his life. A calling.

Hoke will leave his dad and mom and sister and other family and friends (and a very cute girlfriend) this week. He also will leave the kids that he has so impacted and a local church and leaders that had such major impact on him.

But he leaves with a purpose.

Who knows where it all will lead him? The neat thing is he doesn't even have to worry about it. All he has to do is take a step at a time and walk through the doors that open for him.

He is walking down a narrow path. But there is no doubt it is the right path for Hoke Bryan.

Don’t ever look back, my man. Go for it with everything that is in you.

You make us all very proud.

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