Friday, November 24, 2006

A Sign of Things to Come

I have a great appreciation for what these two accomplished yesterday. They ran 13.1 miles in the Atlanta Track Club Half Marathon yesterday morning. And they did it at a pace that was less than 8.5 minutes per mile.

Claire is my 18 year old niece who is on the cross country team at her high school. She also happens to be academically at the top of her senior class. She is one of those people that I would fully expect to be asked to give one of those two special speeches next spring when she graduates with her 742 senior classmates.

Holly is almost 27 years old and is my daughter in law and is the Director of Communications and Publications for the United States Tennis Association Southern Section. She also happens to be a former college tennis player and is a former homecoming queen at the university she attended.

Both of these young ladies are talented and use their God given talents every day of their lives. They do not get up every morning to try to figure out what they have to do to get by that day.

On the contrary they storm life with all the gusto they can muster. They push themselves to rise above the masses and because they live life in that manner they inspire others around them to push themselves.

Yesterday was the first time either of them had run in a half marathon. And they didn’t wake up on Thanksgiving morning and suddenly decide they would go run in this race. They set their sites on this date months ago and began a disciplined regiment of training to get there.

They set a goal and worked very hard to achieve it.

Claire and Holly’s outstanding finish in the half-marathon yesterday is an obvious sign of their discipline and strong desire to accomplish what they set out to accomplish.

But it is also a sign of greater things to come for both of them.

I tip my hat to both this morning. And I have a strong feeling I will be tipping my hat many more times in the future as they continue to accomplish in life what they set out to accomplish.

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