I'm having laptop problems this weekend so I will get back and running as soon as I can. Just for your information, although the computer is not working, I am still here.
I spoke in Hawkinsville, GA Friday night at an appreciation dinner for customers and vendors for Simpco, Inc. The owner, Mr. Whipple Simpson, is quite a character. At age 67, this wheat straw and hay producer became an inventer when he created his first EZ Unroller Bailing machine which enables the process of converting large round bales of hey into small rectangular bales. This invention is valuable to farmers because they can use round hay baling machines to harvest at high speeds and with the EZ Unroller provide customers with the small square bales they prefer.
My goodness I get to meet some interesting folks as I travel around. Whipple just sold machine number 99. Amazing what a country farmer from Cochran, GA can come up with. I also quickly discovered that Whipple loves to laugh and he has more stories than I do. So as you could imagine, we hit it off.
Saturday, we joined my wife's siblings and mother in Atlanta. The girls went to see the musical "Menopause".
The guys hung out while they were at the play and then we all met up for dinner at my favorite restaurant. I will send a free book to the first person who guesses the name of that restaurant. The people who attended the dinner are disqualified from the competition.
After church today, we met our young couples from our church home group at lunch to celebrate a birthday. The young guys and girls sure do keep us young and with each passing day they all are becoming more and more like our own kids. We are meeting them at the bowling alley tonight.
Lastly and most importantly, I should be a Papa on Wednesday. Tami is being admitted early on Wednesday morning and labor will be induced. As my brother said, the seducement has already happened. Now the inducement. And finally a little baby girl with my blood flowing through her veins.
Tami could go before Wednesday but if not, the labor will begin Wednesday morning. And I have to tell you, I don't think I have ever been more excited about anything.
I am scheduled to be on a Delta flight Monday afternoon to Memphis. They can go ahead and let someone else have that seat. I won't be on it.
If I'm breathing on Wednesday, I will be within a short nine iron from where that baby is being born.
Sometimes it is not very difficult to prioritize.
Talk to you soon.
I think it is Houstons, since that was Naia's favorite. Debbie
I KNOW it is Houston's but send the book on to Debbie. Just for the record, I was just given a very nice gift certificate to the same restaurant!
I know that you are so excited. I remember the day that Reagan was born. I remember the day that all four of my beautiful little girls were born, but Reagan was the first. Having three boys, like you and Kathy, that little girl, well I really don't have the words to describe the feeling. I am now getting excited because my first grandson is due in March. You will understand more on Wed. that there is nothing like grandchildren. God bless each of you.
I know it's Houstons cuz' you called me right after leaving while you were feeling guilty for not inviting me to spend the afternoon with y'all and then go to my favorite restaurant too. I went to a bbq place and dumped a whole bowl of collards in my lap ... I knew I should've been somewhere else.
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