Friday, July 27, 2007

Be Inspired

If you don’t have video and sound capability I have to say you are missing out. This video really hit home with me.

I strongly believe that every single person God ever created is uniquely gifted. I also strongly believe that many people live their entire lives and never realize the gifts that are within them.

Sometimes the perceived "ceilings" we have in our lives keep us from moving beyond to see what is really in us or out there for us. The self imposed ceilings may be a lack of self confidence, the way we were raised, the fear of rejection, past failures, negativity received from others who have wounded our spirit, the way we look or even our crooked teeth.

This video is about a man who just busted through his ceiling. The sky is the limit for him now. It is obvious that he could not comprehend how great the gift is that is within him. The truth is there is an “Opera Singer “ in all of us. We just have to decide to bust through the ceiling that is holding us back.

Watch this and be inspired.


Anonymous said...

Wow!!! Incredible!!! Brought tears to my eyes.What a marvelous "gift" God has given this man.

Oh by the way, I'll have my grand-
baby next week. Enjoyed the pictures of Taylor and all the family.

Anonymous said...

His voice is amazing! Thank you for posting. LL in SC

Anonymous said...

AWESOM!!!!!!!He was incredible. No other words needed.