(Warner Robins, GA) I have heard some sour puss rumblings from a few local folks about the “horror” of the Warner Robins Little League team missing the first three weeks of school and the fact that it’s not fair for the other kids who have to be in school.
For those of you not in the know, the Warner Robins American League team is competing in the Little League World Series in Williamsport, PA this weekend. I watched them beat an Oregon team before a national television audience last night on ESPN. They will be playing on that same stage and in that same limelight again tonight.
My first reaction to those negative rumblings is somebody needs to get a life.
I am absolutely certain that education is much more than reading and writing and arithmetic. No doubt learning those things are important but they can be taught anytime at any place. But the education these boys are getting performing on the stage they are performing is a once in a lifetime opportunity for learning. And they are learning important lessons that have the potential to take them much further than they now realize.

Case in point is this photo of Second Baseman Zane Conlon sitting behind a microphone fielding questions in a post game interview. There will be many times in life that Zane will be on his own and on the spot having to field questions. He is definitely getting an invaluable head start in life.
And the lessons of teamwork and the rewards of discipline and hard work and having the opportunity to use your abilities and putting yourself in a position to fail to become a winner and being a hero and being the goat and the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat and the lessons of encouraging someone who is down and congratulating someone who rises to the top…and I could go on and on.
If there ever was a game that teaches life lessons it is the game of baseball. And to be able to learn those lessons on an international stage in front of the whole world is opportunity for more “learning” than 11 and 12 year old boys will ever begin to get in the first three weeks of a classroom.
I can tell you this blogger will not be blogging tonight at 8PM. I’ll be watching and cheering for this incredible group of boys who are on the ride of their life.
And I’ll be saying a prayer for those misguided folks out there who think these boys are missing something for being there.
Some folks just need to get a life.
(photos from macon.com)
You need to submit this exact article as a letter to the editor at the Telegraph and on Wmaz13.com
Well put and I couldn't agree with you more
I agree with David. Send this to the news...or newspaper folks. All the other families are just jealous that they can't partake in an event of this likes. Grow up sour puss families.
I have raised children of my own and many of life's lessons are learned outside a classroom. I taught school for 20 years. I know how important an education is; however, education comes from all facets of life. You are correct, these people need to get a life. I bet this is the best field trip these guys have ever experienced. I agree with David, send this blog to the newspaper!!
Send it Bruce send it.People need to get out of the negative rut their in and realize life happens everyday.
SEND IT!!!!!!!!!!
They are learning each day as they play the game. Life is a game and learning to play it determines who wins in life. All I have to say is"Go WRALL".
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