Tuesday, February 26, 2008

It's Bad to Get Old

(Athens, GA) Eat your heart out you middle age perverts. You can only dream of such things. One has to have special credentials to get to do what I did today.

Driving out of town this afternoon on famous Milledge Avenue I visited a very large house where approximately 175 gorgeous young ladies live and hang out. My visit took me back about 34 years when I actually lived right across the street from these girls… or probably the mothers of these girls.

For those of you not in the know, Milledge Avenue is a happening place in this famous college town. A lot of boy-girl relationships begin and end here. And many marriage relationships got their start here. When you have 150 college girls living across the street from 100 or so hot blooded college guys, things are bound to happen. And when that scenario plays out several times on each block as you drive down this famous road… well you can only imagine all the possibilities.

To think I actually was a part of this scene for four years of my life seems only like a dream now. I was initiated into the Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity the first quarter of my freshman year here. All memories of my college experience center around the LXA house. The ZTA girls were right across the street. And the Tri Deltas and the AO Pi’s were right down the road… and I could go on and on.

Hog heaven doesn’t even come close to describing this experience.

Today I visited some real life dignitaries at the famous ZTA house. The President of this group, Courtney Underwood, happens to be my niece. And she introduced me to the Vice President. I felt very old among these girls and wondered what the other girls were thinking when they saw me. They were probably thinking I was Courtney’s grandfather.

There was a time I was quite comfortable hanging around beautiful young girls. Today I felt much more comfortable speaking for Bernstein Funeral Home at the widow/widower’s luncheon.

Good Lord it’s bad to get old.

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