Sunday, June 08, 2008

Getting it Right

About 14 months have passed since I made a promise for all the world to see on this blog after a dinner with David and Jill Hopkins. It took a 50 year wedding anniversary to get us together.

But by golly we did it.

Kathy and I and little Taylor spent the weekend with the Windham’s in Atlanta. At one point this morning I was in the bathroom standing in front of the mirror with three of my wife’s cousins combing my hair. And I loved every minute of it.

Leon and Mandy Windham celebrated 50 years of marriage this weekend. That is not an easy accomplishment and they have every right to be proud. But they also have a right to be proud of the two kids they raised. And the seven kids their kids are raising.

To put it plainly I was impressed. In fact I was very impressed.

The three gorgeous girls pictured with me are one of the reasons I was impressed. Heidi is to my right. To my left are Whitney and Haley. They had some boyfriends hanging with them this weekend and those boys have done really well in the girlfriend department. These girls are my boy’s second cousins and they don’t even know each other. How ridiculous is that?

The group picture is of the whole clan at lunch today. The boys on the left (Alex, Tyler and Cameron) are three more grandchildren. Noah, the youngest (and smartest) is pictured down the table in blue next to his Grams. Noah is 6 and has the vocabulary of a 20 year old. [Click on image to enlarge]

The strongest institution on the planet is the family. And this group is one of the best examples of that institution you will find anywhere. There is nothing more fun than to see a close knit family sitting around a den laughing and enjoying each other until late at night. It just doesn’t get better than that.

In a world where most are too busy for such gatherings, or young folk think it is not cool to hang with the older folk, this family is different.

Leon and Mandy Windham not only have been married fifty years but they also did something right along the way in raising their children. And their two children have done something right raising their kids.

And we all got it right this weekend.


Anonymous said...

Boy, this weekend was a blast!! When Bruce and I were on our way home I was thinking how I wish time could stand still for a while so I could spend just a little more time with Uncle Leon and Aunt Mandy and their family. I got to know Jill/David and Terry/Tina's kids today and wished ours had been there. Our kids have so much in common and would have a great time together. I vote we schedule a date and get together!!

Anonymous said...

This was a really great weekend!! I had fun meeting everybody and hearing family stories. I appreciate, being one of the boyfriends, to have been mentioned in the blog. I also have to agree. We DEFINITELY did well in the girlfriend department. Bruce, I really enjoyed getting to know and talk to you and Kathy. We should all get together again soon!!!

Anonymous said...

now that's a great looking family