Friday, June 06, 2008

A Very Good Thing

I got home last night and noticed a certificate displayed on the refrigerator door. Our youngest, Luke, received the President’s Award for having a 4.0 GPA for Spring Semester.

I never received the President’s award. And I never made the Dean’s list either. And I did not graduate Cum Laude. I graduated Thank the Laude.

Luke is taking the scenic route through college – having changed his major several times. But I think he is getting the hang of it now. He is majoring in English and Drew was quick to tell me tonight that he is not changing it again. He is about to begin his fifth year in college and he is planning on graduating next Spring I think.

Drew is about to begin her junior year in college and has a cumulative 4.0 GPA, majoring in Early Chlldhood Education. For you that are not up on your Grade Point Average points, that means she has made all A’s since she enrolled in college. Not bad for a homeschooler.

And not bad for someone who spends a lot of time with a Luke Goddard.

I’m not sure what these two will do in life but I have a strong feeling they will be doing life together. They make a good looking couple and both are immensely talented and great kids.

Just for the fun of it, here is a video I posted here a year or so ago of these two scholars. When I first posted this my impression was that Luke was rubbing off on Drew.

With Luke's grades this semester, I would say Drew is rubbing off on him.

And that is a very good thing.


Anonymous said...

Good work Luke & Drew. Bruce, you and Kathy didn't do so bad either raising three boys. Believe me I know.

Anonymous said...

Corn on the cob, definitely

Anonymous said...

Love it !!!