Sunday, September 14, 2008

Too Many Storms

Have y’all missed me?

Please don’t tell me if you haven’t.

I had this thought that hundreds of you have been rushing to your computers every morning to see if I have posted a new article.

Yeah right.

But I do want to share some random thoughts that have crossed my mind this week.

With a sitting President’s approval rating at only 30% going into this Presidential campaign, one would have thought a victory from the other party would have been easy. So far that is not happening. If I were a leader in the other party I would have to be thinking something may be wrong with my party.

Governor Palin is in a very difficult position. The other candidates have been running for this position for many years. She was just thrown into the race a few weeks ago and is expected to know everything there is to know about everything. I have no doubt the media will find things she doesn’t know.

What the media has not figured out is there are a lot of people in this country who could not care less if she knows everything. And her not knowing everything will be another reason to vote for her.

I couldn’t help but smile at Geraldo Rivera as he was reporting in Galveston as Hurricane Ike was about to come on shore. He kept saying that the weather bureau had put out a warning that anybody who stayed to ride out the storm would be facing “certain death” as they would be facing a 20 foot surge. And this idiot was standing on the Sea Wall as he reported the warning. Am I missing something?

I was sitting in my den Thursday night when I heard a loud roar of thunder. I was surprised because I didn’t even know it was raining. It turned out that a bolt of lightning struck the football field at a middle school football game just a few miles down the road. Thirteen people were hospitalized – two in serious condition and one in critical condition.

I have been reminded this week through the powerful hurricane and the bolt of lightning that they may succeed in taking God’s name off our money and out of our schools and government, but He is still the most powerful force on earth. Man cannot understand Him or control Him. And a man that does not fear Him is a fool.

When I was in the funeral business for myself, I had a friend from Roberta, GA who made these wonderful 8 layer chocolate cakes. And she made more than a few for me. I quit calling her Mrs. Evelyn many years ago and started calling her my “Chocolate Cake Lady.” Her daughter called me this week and told me her mother was scheduled to have hip replacement surgery on Thursday and had asked about me. So I stopped by the Medical Center on Friday and visited my friend. Although she was still coming out of the anesthesia from the night before, she quickly recognized me and we had a good visit and a few laughs. She promised me another chocolate cake. I got a text message late last night from her daughter that my “Chocolate Cake Lady” had suffered a massive stroke. I am very glad I changed my not so important plans to visit her.

Tonight my wife and I hung out with our small group from our church. I have written about them several times here. In light of all the political madness, horrific storms, acts of nature and sudden illness, it sure is nice to have a group of very neat people in my life.

I have been reminded again that God never intended for us to do life alone. I sure am thankful I don’t have to.

Too many storms to do it alone folks.


Anonymous said...

YEAH! You're back!! We think you're pretty darn "neat" yourself.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back bruce!

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!!!!! Glad you're back. WE MISSED YOU!!

Anonymous said...

Glad you're back - I did check every morning to see if you had posted a new blog.

Anonymous said...

Glad you are back and back with a bang. This is a wonderful message. They have already taken God out of the schools and are now trying to remove HIM from our money and the Pledge, but the one place they can't remove HIM from is My Heart. I was at a funeral not long ago and the preacher said that ---- had been a good man all his life, but had just weeks before accepted God as his Savior. I know this true with so many, but I don't know how anyone can make it through the day without the Lord in their life. I call on Him so many times a day to help me through in so many things. I just pray that all of your readers received a Blessing from your message today. Thanks Bruce. Love ya.

Anonymous said...

What about those Dawgs, are they the real thing.