Sunday, October 22, 2006

Things Have Gotten Pretty Bad

“Honey, please go next door and borrow a cup of sugar.”

In this case they probably should just go to the store and buy some. While they are there they may want to buy a baseball bat and a bullet proof vest.

Things have gotten pretty bad when you have to put up a sign.

I have a feeling that this situation may get uglier. Sometimes neighbors are not very neighborly.

Since my wife and I have been married (30 years next July) we have been very fortunate with our neighbors. We have lived in four different houses.

At least I never had to put a sign up in my yard pointing to my neighbor. And thankfully I never had a neighbor put up a sign pointing to my house.

I did catch a peeping tom one night trying to get a glimpse of my young wife in her birthday suit. My wife didn’t realize what was going on and was totally shocked when she saw me bend over at the window and politely moon Mr. Peeper.

I broke up the peeping but I never had to put up a sign.

I even watched a neighbor collect pine cones that fell in their yard and throw them in our yard. It didn’t seem to bother them that the tree was in their yard. The next time I cut grass I shot the pine cones back with my lawn mower.

But I never had to put up a sign.

We’ve had dogs poop in our neighbor’s yard and the neighbor stepped in it wearing his brand new shoes. He did ask us rather sternly if we would keep our dog from pooping in his yard but he never put up a sign.

We’ve had dogs that barked all night at the moon keeping our neighbors from sleeping but they never put up a sign.

We’ve had kids having jam sessions with guitars that sounded like the Rolling Stones were practicing in our back yard, but the neighbors never put up a sign.

We’ve had so many cars in our driveway that the neighbor could not get out of his driveway. He didn’t mind asking us to do something about the cars blocking his driveway but he never had to put up a sign.

Things have gotten pretty bad when you have to put up a sign.

In this case, I have a feeling that there was some underlying tension between these neighbors before they started cutting the limbs off the tree.

Yes, I think they should just go to the store to buy the sugar.

And I was not kidding when I said that they may need to buy a baseball bat and bullet proof vest while they are there.


Poison-Dwarf said...

Hello there from the UK, I can really relate to this particular post. I live in an area which is in danger of being ruined by youths who behave very anti-socially.

Anonymous said...

Mama and Daddy loved having you and your family as neighbors. My daddy thought Cathy could make just about the best pound cake in the world!! My kids loved your kids, too, and what exciting "balloon/water fights" they had-especially when all my nieces and nephews were at Mama's. My son finally told me about the time John had him light a match and John sprayed hairspray!! I wondered for such a long time how Dirk's hair got singed in the front!! Dixie

Anonymous said...

Bruce, This is hilarious! It's Aunt Jerri's sign that she made after the neighbor had the tree cut without consulting her. The neighbor waited for Aunt Jerri to leave one morning and then had the tree surgeon show up and he mutilated the tree. Of course Aunt Jerri was MAD! Momma, Kim, Jeremy and myself have had a great laugh at her sign making the internet.
Love, Maria