Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Refined Gold

Last weekend I spoke at a company Christmas party. Actually I spoke at a few of those events last weekend. But at this particular party, I had a date. I really didn’t know I had a date until I got there but sometimes you just get pleasantly surprised.

The date, which consisted of sitting next to each other at dinner, was with my long time friend Vicki (pictured here in brown with her daughter Destiny). I understood completely why I would need a date for this event because my wife was home keeping our grandbaby. But for the life of me I couldn’t understand why this gorgeous gal would not have a date and have to settle for me. In fact, for the life of me I don’t understand why she isn’t taken.

For you folks in blog land who don’t know Vicki, let me tell you a little about this former cheerleader and homecoming queen. And for you single middle age guys who are looking for a prize catch, you should probably ease up to the edge of your chair and play close attention.

Actually I’ve known Vicki and her family a long time. But, being the undertaker I am, I really got to know her during the worst days of her life. Days she will never forget and memories that still cause her to wince with pain. But days that have made her a much stronger human being than she ever thought possible.

And much stronger than most other folks.

The date was July 19, 1986. My family and I were in Panama City Florida on vacation when I got the call that Travis, Jack and Vicki’s 14 month old baby boy, had passed away. I left immediately to come home to take care of this family.

The death certificate would eventually label it “Crib Death.” The community of Butler and Taylor County labeled it a nightmare.

After that funeral I gave Vicki a personal Bible and I wrote a letter to her in the front of it. I wanted this devastated young mother to have a glimpse of hope and comfort that only God could give during a time when it was very difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I don’t remember what I wrote but I do remember that was the only time I gave a Bible with a letter in it to someone after a funeral.

Along with his parents and many other grief stricken family members, Travis left behind a four year old sister named Whitney. Jack and Vicki would later have another girl and boy – Destiny and Tanner.

Jack and Vicki would also later go through the pain of divorce.

Good lord life can be tough.

But life goes on anyway. Whitney is now 25 and Destiny is 21. Both are married now and Destiny has a little boy of her own. Their little brother Tanner is now 18.

Not surprising to me, after the divorce Vicki decided to go to college. At age 35, she received a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration. She quickly landed a job with a great company and has been gainfully employed ever since.

Vicki may not know it but her close friends and family are praying for her ”knight in shining armor” to come sweep her off her feet and take her away on the white horse. If anyone ever deserved to be on that horse, it would be Vicki.

The way I see it, when people go through fire, they either get burned up… or come out the other side as refined gold.

Vicki is of the refined gold variety.

And by the way guys, if you don’t have the white horse – a convertible will work just fine. Just let me know and after I check you out and all your references, I will get you a phone number.


Anonymous said...

Would she ride the white horse all the way to Texas?

Anonymous said...

Bruce, you need to give me a call on this. i'm interested. seriously. ls

Anonymous said...

She is steaming

Anonymous said...

what a hottie