I rushed home from the office Friday afternoon, packed a suitcase, met up with my wife and we headed to Atlanta to spend the weekend.
My first goal was to get Kathy to a church in Marietta by 7PM where she would meet our daughter in law for a women’s conference being led by Priscilla Shirer. As you might expect, we got stuck in traffic in downtown Atlanta but we made it anyway.
I dropped her off at the church and drove to the other side of Atlanta. My oldest son and I had dinner together while the ladies were at the conference. We not only had a great dinner but we also had a great discussion. It’s an incredible moment when you realize that the son you helped bring into the world has become an adult and has a life of his own. I know I already knew that but it is a great feeling and it was a great night.
Saturday morning the ladies went back to the conference and David and I went out and ate a big breakfast and spent time in a couple of electronic stores. Neither of us bought anything but it was another morning of daddy and son hanging out.
We met the girls at mid afternoon at a movie theater and saw a not so good movie. I’ve seen worse but this one was slow moving and one I sure won’t bother to buy or rent when it comes out on DVD.

We then regrouped and the four of us went out to eat. Afterwards we headed to their church and joined about 1000 of their closest friends for an event called Married Life Live. It was an incredible Valentine Party that included a great band with great music – the kind of music that will give a man the urge to move a little closer to his wife. There was also a lot of laughter and even featured a special video appearance by Jeff Foxworthy. And at the end we left with something to think about. This church is about to kick off the Big 6 Date Experiment in an effort to get married couples to spend more quality time with each other. What a great event and what an honor to be invited to such an event by our son and daughter in law.
After that we went back to their house and watched another movie called Fireproof. This one was definitely worth watching. If you are married or thinking about getting married, you should do yourself a favor and buy it. You might also want to stop by the tissue department and pick up a couple of boxes before you leave the store.
We got up this morning and went back to church for their 9AM Sunday service. I have written about North Point Community Church before so I won’t go into all that again but I’ll just say it is past incredible. Andy Stanley, one of the best communicators on the planet, was so good that the topic of his 30 minute talk was the topic of the conversation between my wife and me for 2 hours as we drove home.
We did interrupt that conversation for a bit though when we stopped at Buckner’s Restaurant in Jackson, GA and sat down at a real down home eating establishment that features the best fried chicken this side of the Mississippi. As usually happens when I stop by this very popular eating establishment, we ran into some friends who had the same Sunday lunchtime idea.
After we arrived back in Warner Robins, we picked up our little doggie at the Endless Love Pet Palace where she had been pampered during the weekend in a private suite with her very own flat screen television. She acted like she was glad to see us but I’m not sure why.
After we left the pet palace, we called our middle son and daughter in law and told them we were having “Taylor” withdrawals. Tami felt sorry for us and dropped our little grandbaby girl off for a visit with her Meme and Papa.

I’m sure you would not be surprised to know I took a few pictures in the backyard on this beautiful Sunday afternoon. After the three of us took a Sunday afternoon nap, we left for our church Life Group gathering. We ate again and afterwards while the lesson was being discussed, I stretched out on the floor and played with my little Taylor.
About 8:30PM we dropped Taylor off at her house and made it home just in time to watch the Grammy’s and write this blog.
That was our weekend.
And I don’t know when I’ve had a better one.
Sounds like you had a good weekend of eating. I have to agree with you about the fried chicken at Buckner's. I really don't think that there's any better. Taylor is growing soooo much and like my grandchildren getting more beautiful everyday.
Sounds like you had a good weekend of eating. I have to agree with you about the fried chicken at Buckner's. I really don't think that there's any better. Taylor is growing soooo much and like my grandchildren getting more beautiful everyday.
Sounds like you had a good weekend of eating. I have to agree with you about the fried chicken at Buckner's. I really don't think that there's any better. Taylor is growing soooo much and like my grandchildren getting more beautiful everyday.
I must have clicked too many times.
That sure is alot of church going for one weekend.
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