Sunday, April 22, 2007

Strawberry Fun in Reynolds, GA

I’m leaving Monday morning for Savannah where I will spend most of the week at a business meeting. I will return home on Thursday. Then on Saturday I will really return home.

Home as in Reynolds, Georgia.

Home where my great grandfather moved over 140 years ago because he thought the little town, located between Macon and Columbus , was on the verge of becoming a booming city. Home where I learned everything I would ever need to know about life from incredible parents, incredible schoolteachers, incredible Sunday school teachers and from incredible friends. Home where I developed friendships as a young boy that have lasted a lifetime. Home where my mom and dad, who were without a doubt the most influential people in my life, lived, died and were buried. Home that I have written about and have talked about for the past dozen or so years all over this state and in many other states.

Really home.

Actually I will be joining my good friend Ed Grisamore at the Georgia Strawberry Festival where we will set up on the midway to peddle our new CD’s and books. My main goal will be to visit with old friends and to hug on as many people as I can. Ed, by the way, has authored five books, won all kinds of awards and is a very popular columnist with the Macon Telegraph. About 10 years ago Ed heard me speak at a civic club in Macon and came over to Reynolds to interview me for a column. That column appeared on the front page of the paper a few days later and my speaking career moved into another gear. And a great friendship began.

But make no mistake he is the pro. I’m just an undertaker tagging along for the ride.

By the way, I have just about finished another book that will be called, “The Lessons of Eulan Brown.” It will be a really quick and easy read (what would you expect coming from me) but will include some monumental lessons of life I learned from this amazing guy who delivered Grits newspapers in Reynolds on his bicycle when I was growing up. I would have loved to have this book available for the festival but my publisher hasn’t read it yet. Nor has he decided he will publish it yet. But I have a feeling he will. So stay tuned.

But I will have plenty copies of my stuff and Ed will have all his stuff available. If you have already read the books and listened to the CD’s, this would be a wonderful time to buy a few for your friends.

But whether you want any of that stuff or not, I hope you come to Reynolds, GA on April 28 and enjoy the Georgia Strawberry Festival. They have all kinds of fun planned. And please stop by to visit us. Ed is always looking for the next article.

And I am always looking for blog material.

I can promise you I will have my camera.

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