The gorgeous and soon to be married Callie Toms wondered aloud on her Facebook status earlier in the week what God has planned for her.
I responded to her comment with this; “A loving husband, at least seven kids, tons of dirty diapers to change, tons of dirty clothes to wash, a lot of baseball games, soccer games and football games, a few tears, a ton of laughs.... and a wonderful life. God has it all figured out.... all you have to do is walk in it!”
If I could give a piece of advice to this stunningly beautiful soon to be bride as she walks in God’s plan I would make it simple.
Enjoy each moment.
Enjoy the engagement. Enjoy the wedding festivities. Enjoy the wedding. Leave your daddy behind on your honeymoon. Enjoy being a brand new bride. Enjoy the time you have before you have kids. Enjoy the time when your kids, all seven of them, are little. Enjoy them when they get bigger. Enjoy them when they go through the stage when it’s not cool to hang out with mom. Enjoy the time when they get older and love hanging out with mom.
Enjoy your parents while you have them. One day you will want to have another conversation and another hug and it will be impossible to do so.
Enjoy the sunshine life gives you. But never push away from the rain. One day you will look back and realize you needed both to become the person you will become.
You have incredible parents and family. But you had absolutely nothing to do with them becoming your parents and family. God did that for you. You didn’t earn it. You didn’t deserve. God just chose to do it. And He has extended His grace to you.
In fact you have been a recipient of God’s incredible grace all your life.
Unmerited favor.
Please know, as perfect as your Justin is to you today and as much as you are head over heels in love with him, he won’t do it right all the time. Count on that.

But just as God extended His grace to you all your life, you extend that same grace to him. In fact, extending the same grace you have received is the key to a wonderful marriage and it is the key to a fulfilled life.
And if that doesn’t work, call your daddy.
In just eleven weeks from today, you will become Mrs. Justin Beatty. I know you will be one beautiful bride.
I also know that Justin Beatty is one lucky white man.
I made the blog!! You are so sweet! -Callie
Wow! What a beautiful couple. Great advice!
Thanks for such a sweet post. They are both blessed,and so are we for having friends like you and Kathy.
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